Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kibbles 'n' Bts ? 3/6/12: the Day Bugs Bunny Died A Horrible Death ...

? While America has been been locked in a massive ideological battle over birth control and offensive radio show hosts of late, in Canada, they have even more powerful and shocking issue that galvanize a nation to action. Namely, network Global TV was forced to apologize for failing to warn viewersthat an episode of FAMILY GUY included a scene where Bugs Bunny died a grisly, lingering death.

The CBSC investigated an episode of the show that ran on July 23 at 5 p.m., in which ?there was a spoof of a Bugs Bunny cartoon in which Elmer Fudd shot Bugs at close range with a rifle. Bugs screamed and gripped his chest as blood poured out of him. He died in a prolonged and dramatic manner, after which Fudd Twisted Bugs? neck and dragged Bugs? lifeless body by the ears through a pool of blood.? It wasn?t the violence that bothered the regulator, but the lack of warning. ?The panel finds that the scene was definitely somewhat gruesome and uncomfortable to watch,? it wrote. ?It recognizes, however, that the scene was intended to satirize the violence found in that type of cartoon program. The gag was somewhat tongue-in-cheek since Family Guy itself is an animated program that sometimes contains violence.?

Just how squeamish about cartoon violence are Canadians? The link to a (now removed) YouTube video of the scenes in question was labeled as follows:

The controversial scene from ?Family Guy? for which Global TV has been told to apologize. WARNING: Contains graphic cartoon violence.

?Graphic Cartoon Violence.? A problem for our times.

? Sean Kleefeld looks at that whole ?New? Shazam business

I?m a bit torn on the issue. On one hand, DC is essentially giving fans what they want. What they?re willing to pay for. There was a great deal interest, as I recall, when they turned Mary Marvel evil. You can?t really blame DC if they focus on the iterations of the characters that sell. On the other hand, I don?t think anyone at DC can really see any difference between Superman and Captain Marvel. To be fair, there is a bit of nuance there and it?s not helped by the fact that Captain Marvel was a very direct response to Superman?s initial success. I feel like that both DC and fans are responsible for this new Shazam.

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Never before reprinted 27-year old comics by Larry O?Neil and Dean Haspiel

? Sequential Tart hosts a roundtable asking: Is Manga Dying?

bolivar Kibbles n Bts   3/6/12: the Day Bugs Bunny Died A Horrible Death

? It is optioning season again! The WB has picked up Bolivar, a dinosaur graphic novel by Sean Rubin which Archaia will publish in 2013. It is planned as an animated film. As yes, the PRE-PUB option is back! Akiva Goldsman, Kerry Foster, PJ Bickett and Stephen Christy are all on various branches of the producer tree.

Written and illustrated by Sean Rubin, the graphic novel centres on a young girl named Sybil who moves to New York and finds out her neighbor is Bolivar, the last living dinosaur. ?Despite Sybil?s persistent efforts, Bolivar refuses to befriend her. The dinosaur is somewhat of a recluse, tucked away from the world Sybil so desperately wants him to explore with her. ?He soon realizes how much she means to him and that he would risk everything for her.

? Likewise, Radical?s long vigil of publishing comics seems to have paid off, as Dwayne Johnson is now attached to Brett Ratner?s Herculas adaptation.

Scribe Ryan Condol adapted Steve Moore?s graphic novel Hercules: The Thracian War, which debuted in May 2008 via Radical Publishing. MGM?s Roger Birnbaum, Gary Barber and Jonathan Glickman will produce with Peter Berg and his Film 44 partner Sarah Aubrey, as well as Barry Levine of Radical Pictures, whose Jesse Berger will executive produce.

? Julie Taymor?s lawsuit over the Spider-Man Musical is getting nasty with tons and tons of dirt being uncovered in court papers

In her new court filing, Taymor also singles out Bono and Edge for particular criticism. She says they failed to attend rehearsals and she cites e-mails beseeching them to deliver improved lyrics and music. ?I have been at it on [Spider-Man] nonstop,? reads one of those e-mails. ?We need you. It is not easy to change anything, but now I think it is a matter of lyrical and musical changes ? Taymor says that Bono and the Edge were out on tour with U2 at the time, and that caused damage. According to Taymor?s court brief, ?The producers? effort to hold Taymor responsible for damages for failing to make improvements to the show as an author ignores the reality that the conduct of Bono and Edge ? the musical?s other primary creative team members ? severely hampered timely improvements to the musical.?

According to another filing, Bono arrived at a crucial meeting about attempting to salvage the production with several supermodels in tow and already a few beers to the wind. That is not how you show up to save the show, Bono!

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? A new kid?s book about a cat with poop on its feet, by some of the folks behind the Unshelved webcomic.


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