Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Is Love a LIability? (The War for Control in a Relationship) | The Path ...

The other day I was reading something on how to control a relationship (it?s my job to read all sorts of things?the good and the bad!) when I stumbled across the author?s core thesis for his work:

?Whoever Cares the Least Controls the Relationship?

The basic idea is that if you don?t give a damn about your partner and you?re more willing to hit the eject button than they are, they will bend over backwards to please you and make you stay.

If you do not heed this advice, expect your partner to take advantage of you for being ?weak? and actually caring about them (you pathetic piece of sentimental rubbish!).

The problem with this bit of bumper-sticker advice is that it encourages apathy and indifference. Even if you really do care a great deal about your relationship, you are left feeling like a overly sensitive pushover.

So then what is someone to do who really does value their relationship and cares for their partner more than anything? Do they veil their affection, hide it behind an unfeeling mask and turn a cold shoulder?

According to the author of this ?advice,? that is exactly the foundation of a successful relationship that will last the ages. The key to a successful relationship is to win the race to the bottom and care the least.

Are you worried that your husband will leave you? Leave him first! Then he?ll come chasing after you like a puppy!

Does your girlfriend never make time for you (even though she has no problem making time for her friends)? Go flirt with her best friend and give her an anxiety attack. That?ll show her who?s the boss and inspire her loyal devotion to you.

Stop Caring and the Problem Is Solved!

We?d all be so much better lovers and enjoy much better relationships if we could only numb ourselves to the experience of love and desire. Who needs those natural, human emotions anyway?

But what I find most sad about this advice is that is based on the implicit assumption that your partner is fundamentally an enemy. Someone you need to guard yourself against, plot against, scheme against, always be thinking three steps ahead of them in the chess game of love.

All I Have to Say to This Is: WTF?

That?s some really messed up thinking. I feel sorry for anyone who has been traumatized by past relationships to the point that they actually believe this.

Don?t get me wrong, I?ve been there too. After getting my heart ripped out time after time by my ex, it was easy to believe this kind of stuff. After all, why else would she dump me for an unemployed pothead who left a rose on the hood of her car (true story!).

By George, it must be because I loved her too much! Women hate men who love them. It all makes sense now!

Love is a Liability!

Well, I don?t really know about that, but that seems to be what a lot of people are ready to tell you (along with all the other horrible relationship advice).

But what do you do when your partner is losing interest? What do you do when you feel your relationship slipping away?

Well, first of all, understand that trying to ?control? your partner or your relationship is a recipe for resentment and contempt that will only end poorly.

If you see your partner as someone who is fundamentally your enemy, or someone you need to plot against, you?ve already lost the game.

From that mindset, everything you do is based on manipulation, power struggles, jealousy, justification, or other ?romantic? battles of will.
Instead, it makes more sense if you and your partner are on the same team. Instead of them being an enemy to be bested, why not work together with them to create the relationship that you both want?

I would recommend actually sitting down and talking to your partner about what you are feeling.

This might seem obvious, but so many people have anxiety about actually being vulnerable, sharing how they feel, asking for what they want, or really showing up. This leads them to round-about, sideways attempts and approaching the problem. Instead of that stuff, just have a conversation and tell them that you feel like they?re slipping away.

If you and your partner have a history of openness and acceptance of each other, they should feel comfortable talking about this without the fear that this is some kind of accusation or feeling the need to avoid the subject.

If not, then you need to start by laying this foundation, otherwise, they might think that this is some kind of elaborate emotional trap that you?re trying to snare them in.

Once you can check in with them about what they are feeling, you can work together to strengthen the connection in your relationship, rather than relying on manipulation tactics to ?hack? their mind or otherwise try to control the relationship.

If you have been avoiding talking to your partner about something, find the time to sit down with them and just talk to them openly and honestly. No justifying, no manipulating, or anything like that.

This might be frightening if you aren?t used to voicing your own opinions or speaking your mind, but it?s good practice and it is part of the foundation of a healthy relationship.

What do you think? Is love a liability? Do you think relationships are a battle between two opponents? Or do you think relationships work better when both people can cooperate and play on the same team?

I?d love to know what you think.

In the meantime, I?m going to hop on a plane to Palm Springs, California for a business trip.

Mika and I have been working on some ?secret projects,? which we?ll hopefully be able to unveil soon :)


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To be able to quote from the saying "a individual is just what exactly he takes. " The size of the entire body of a person shows the food item that your dog eats. Pork chops, fried fowl, potatoes, cheese, cakes in addition to chocolates makes people fat or maybe obese! It seriously isn't bad to enjoy every meal that your person eat so long as it was in moderate way. There are some foodstuff that an individual can eat and with the same may also help him shed pounds. Cold and also chilled soups can serve the aim of low calorie dishes. It can include gazpacho and also cucumber-dill, which are typically rich with a good number of green produce. It will be excellent to adopt prior possessing meal. Also a large number of health researchers concur that having this low-calorie broth-based soup can certainly actually minimize the amount of meal you possibly can intake by providing you a impression of fullness. There is actually no sole diet meal that serves because perfect weight reduction food it doesn't matter what hype chances are you'll read in magazines or perhaps hear with TV. However, if you already know the difference between which usually foods promote weight loss and which foods prevent weight loss, you increasingly becoming a excellent head start on achieving an excellent weight that you require. Carrot is probably the best plant-based slimming foods because of its low calorie although high nutritional content (for example vitamins Any, C, beta carotene along with fiber). Because connected with its abounding fiber, it fills an individual up easily, preventing a person from heaping upon excess unhealthy calories. Carrot is more nourishing when had cooked compared to raw as cooking breaks down the it is tough cellular phone walls. This enables one's body to replace more beta carotene into vitamin The. Alternatively, you may blend green beans into juices but make sure to drink the juices with all the fiber. You must distinguish a large number of super fat reduction foods and also drinks which must not leave a eating routine or important in any kind of diet. For plenty of dieter, adding these weight loss foods with their daily diet give them away instant weight reduction that they want. They choose this general health feel therefore restricted upon other formal fat loss programs being offered in the market. As industry experts suggest we must drink a minimum of two to three liters of water every day. But how to handle it if you can't seem to drink very much amount associated with water? We own many food items with large water articles and handful of amounts associated with calories. So these food items are also our weight reduction friends while they helps us all in satisfying our mineral water intake plus fewer calories are being eaten by the body by having these water meals. The food items aimed especially at rapid weight loss are kinds that hasten your stamina. This will be the underlying guideline behind fat reduction pills. They have caffeine and also other accelerants that accelerate your body for making you lose fat. HOWEVER, these usually simply will not work and also cause a lot more problems than other things. Foods that do that include citrus fruit, soybeans, fresh fruit and garlic essential oil. This is just to mention several. The best slimming regime can certainly sound difficult especially in case you are not doing work right. To get over the weight-gain warfare, all you need to do should be to switch into the foods which might be low around calories along with high in nutrition. Also having these nutritious foods can make you glance better, feel better and in addition improve entire mental along with physical wellbeing. Along that has a regular routine, you must watch meticulously what people eat. These basic, highly wholesome foods may produce considerable results if you are consistent with these.

One the simplest way to { weight loss foods] is to consume weight reduction foods. These are the kinds regarding foods which might be diet friendly all around health are naturally healthy and don't contain substantial amounts of calories. Aiming to lose weight doesn't mean that you have to deprive on your own of great food. Yes, these a good diet are not simply nutritious, but in addition they taste very good. By eating { best weight loss foods], you won't have got to deprive on your own from its necessary nutrients. Making simple changes for a diet will get you quite a distance. You is not going to lose pounds, you will in addition look much better and feel healthier. Do not necessarily skip breakfast. You've in all probability heard the following a thousand times already, but having breakfast is important. It will certainly jumpstart your own metabolism and will get people going each day. Make sure which you eat weight reduction foods although. You have to make a summary of what kinds of food for you to eat to help you to stock way up your kitchen. Here are usually some weight reduction foods you can incorporate into your diet program: Weight Reduction Foods Word of advice #1: Brown Suscrose & OatsBrown cabohydrate supply are completely, unrefined grains just like whole whole wheat bread along with brown rice. These are also fibrous and they also aid inside better ingestion. Avoid consuming refined carbohydrates such as white rice and bright pasta. Oats are one of the healthiest meals. They tend to be high around fiber and as well help reduce cholesterol amounts. Oats furthermore digest slowly but surely, leaving you using a full belly for a long time. Old-fashioned oats are usually better, but when kinds can be good. Weight Loss Foods Idea #2: ProteinNow additionally you need protein. A good idea is ova. Yes, you can certainly eat ova, including this yolk. Eggs have high volume of protein along with studies show that having eggs inside breakfast will make you feel full during the day. Most probably, you won't have a tendency to overeat during lunch or dinner. Poached eggs undoubtedly are a wonderful idea because they contain much less fat when compared with fried ovum. Another great way is species of fish. Also abundant with protein and various great things like omega-3 fatty acid. Other lean proteins contain turkey, white fowl meat, and meat. I will have a toast with some salmon and a poached egg cell for breakfast. Add a large number of spinach (simply boiled for 20 moments or therefore) and you may have a breakfast regarding champions that will tastes extremely well as effectively. Weight Deprivation Foods Tip #3: Olive oilOlive oil is just about the healthiest oils because no contain condensed fats. One of the simple replacements you can use is to be able to replace corn fat or veggie oil along with olive oil. Weight Deprivation Foods Idea #4: Healthy fruit & VegetablesBerries are abundant with antioxidants. They are already sweet this means you won't have got to eat the rocks cream along with cheesecake. Apples may also make you feel fuller. Grapefruit is actually another good weight reduction fruit. In addition to that particular of training, there are plenty of vegetables which are accepted as good for you. A blend fry, in you choose to mix veggies together is rather easy to arrange and healthy in addition. This is just a quick introduction for you to great fat reduction foods. The major to weight loss and retaining it off is to incorporate changes you can maintain long-term. So choose a lot of the foods above, replace these people with fewer healthy alternatives also , you are well on the way. Maximize those benefits by exercising regularly and you will be laughing this weight off!


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Melissa Ross: Anchorman-Inspired Newsroom Street Fight Rocks Twitter, Jacksonville Media

The whole thing started as a joke on Twitter.

After reading a piece right here on the Huffington Post about two film directors who made a pact to start a fake Twitter feud-- hey, nothing better for publicity! -- I proposed the idea to a friendly Jacksonville rival, @JeremyRatliff of WOKV Radio.

"Come on, Ratliff!" I tweeted. "A good Twitter feud could really help our Klout scores!"

Sadly, Ratliff declined. (For an on-air guy, he's actually sort of shy.)

But then something much more interesting happened. People following the exchange began tweeting about it themselves. "It's a #NewsroomStreetFight, just like in Anchorman!" read one.

The hashtag spread. Requests began to grow. Would we PLEASE re-create the classic news team battle scene from Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy?

In about five minutes flat the decision was made. A real Newsroom Street Fight simply HAD to happen. I mean, Ron Burgundy truly needs an event in his honor, and who better to do it than the real Ron Burgundys of Jacksonville?

To build buzz, I asked Anchorman narrator and TV news icon Bill Kurtis to record a video promoting the event. Amazingly, he said yes! Check it out here.

Myself and the two other street fight planners, Tiffany Griffith of WOKV Radio and Natalie Wearstler, editor of Jacksonville Magazine, feverishly tweeted about the event. The Twitter stroking worked. People started following #NewsroomStreetFight and retweeting every update.

The excitement grew, and on Saturday, February 25th, nearly every media outlet in Jacksonville -- from print, radio and television -- fought to the death in a double-elimination dodgeball tournament benefiting the city's Police Athletic League.

We even got actor Kevin Porter, "Laser" of Dodgeball fame, to make an appearance at the event -- (along with play-by-play from Ron Burgundy himself! OK, it was a local actor, but still.)

While the TV and radio news teams of the city gave it a good fight, they sadly all ended up nothing but Wes Mantooths. Print outlet Jacksonvilel Magazine won the tourney and the coveted golden trident trophy! (Because who can forget the trident in the Anchorman battle scene?)

But the story didn't end there.

The national industry blog TV SPY picked it up. Suddenly, TV news denizens from Syracuse to Spokane began tweeting about the Anchorman-style rumble in the River City, and clamoring for their OWN #NewsroomStreetFight.

We're about as pleased as Veronica Corningstone after she was made co-anchor of San Diego's evening news. Planning is already in the works for next year's event -- and we hope other news markets follow our lead.

The whole thing was a case study in the power of Twitter to spread the word and build buzz about an event.

So if you start your own Street Fight, just remember -- stay classy -- and no touching of the hair or face!


Follow Melissa Ross on Twitter:


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Monday, February 27, 2012

Japanese chipmaker Elpida files for bankruptcy

Japanese computer chipmaker Elpida Memory, Inc. President Yukio Sakamoto, left, bows during a press conference in Tokyo Monday, Feb. 27, 2012. Elpida filed for bankruptcy Monday after amassing debts from nose-diving prices, longtime competition from Samsung and the flooding in Thailand last year that stagnated demand. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

Japanese computer chipmaker Elpida Memory, Inc. President Yukio Sakamoto, left, bows during a press conference in Tokyo Monday, Feb. 27, 2012. Elpida filed for bankruptcy Monday after amassing debts from nose-diving prices, longtime competition from Samsung and the flooding in Thailand last year that stagnated demand. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

Japanese computer chipmaker Elpida Memory Inc. President Yukio Sakamoto reacts during a press conference in Tokyo Monday, Feb. 27, 2012. Elpida filed for bankruptcy Monday after amassing debts from nose-diving prices, longtime competition from Samsung and the flooding in Thailand last year that stagnated demand. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

Japanese computer chipmaker Elpida Memory Inc. President Yukio Sakamoto, center, bows at the end of a press conference in Tokyo Monday, Feb. 27, 2012. Elpida filed for bankruptcy Monday after amassing debts from nose-diving prices, longtime competition from Samsung and the flooding in Thailand last year that stagnated demand. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

Japanese computer chipmaker Elpida Memory Inc. President Yukio Sakamoto attends a press conference in Tokyo Monday, Feb. 27, 2012. Elpida filed for bankruptcy Monday after amassing debts from nose-diving prices, longtime competition from Samsung and the flooding in Thailand last year that stagnated demand. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

Japanese computer chipmaker Elpida Memory, Inc. President Yukio Sakamoto speaks during a press conference in Tokyo Monday, Feb. 27, 2012. Elpida filed for bankruptcy Monday after amassing debts from nose-diving prices, longtime competition from Samsung and the flooding in Thailand last year that stagnated demand. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

TOKYO (AP) ? Computer chipmaker Elpida Memory Inc. filed for Japan's largest manufacturing bankruptcy Monday after amassing debts from nose-diving prices, competition from Samsung and flooding in Thailand last year that stifled demand.

Elpida, the only manufacturer in Japan to specialize in DRAM chips used in mobile phones and computers, reported debt of 448 billion yen ($5.5 billion) in filing for bankruptcy at Tokyo District Court on Monday.

That was the largest ever for a bankruptcy in Japan in the manufacturing field, according to Teikoku Databank, which compiles such information.

Elpida, set up in 1999 as a joint venture between Japanese electronics companies NEC Corp. and Hitachi Ltd., has been struggling for years to close the gap with rival Samsung Electronics Co. of South Korea.

The Tokyo-based company, which employs more than 3,000 people, said its business was hit when DRAM prices declined from about 2007, and got worse with the global downturn.

The surging yen also came as a blow as well as intense competition, it said.

Elpida said the flooding in Thailand last year battered DRAM demand, furthering hurting its operations. Global hard-drive production was disrupted by the floods as Thailand is a major production base for hard-drive makers.

"We have concluded that, if we continue the business by ourselves, we will face cash shortage soon," the company said.

In 2009, Elpida got government emergency aid totaling 30 billion yen ($375 million) in investments through the government-owned Development Bank of Japan. Other Japanese electronics makers have pulled out of the DRAM business.


Follow Yuri Kageyama on Twitter at

Associated Press


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Re-Election for President Obama Should Not Hinge on Gas Prices (ContributorNetwork)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]ContributorNetwork - COMMENTARY | Politics in America have an unusual knack for turning in circles, or at least cycles. In 2008, record gas prices led one presidential hopeful to push a renewable energy platform that helped him get elected, as reported by the Washington Post. Of course, as anyone who regularly fills up a vehicle at the gas pump knows already, gas prices are expensive yet again, and as The Christian Science Monitor reports, probably headed higher.


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

TUF 1 alums Quarry and Florian looking for smooth transition to broadcasting

Once the crowds and competition are gone for athletes there's only a few ways to stay in the game. If you're not coaching then the other option is broadcasting. As organized MMA reaches its 20-year mark, more and more fighters are beginning the transition into the media.

Guys like Frank Trigg and Bas Rutten began the process a while back and now we're seeing some of the more recent UFC veterans working towards the next phase of their lives. Kenny Florian and Nate Quarry have a bonds of sorts. They'll always be part of the special crew that made up Season one of "The Ultimate Fighter" back in 2005. Now they've got something else in common. They're fighters turned broadcasters.

Quarry? debuts tonight on Spike TV as one of the hosts of "MMA Uncensored Live" at 11 p.m. ET/PT. He says his show with radio host Craig Carton and MMA video interviewer Mike Straka will break the mold.

"It seems on the radio you get a lot more guys who give their opinion and talk about who they want to win. but as soon as they transfer from radio to TV it's like watching paint dry. Everyone's afraid to get excited about the fight and talk about who they think is going to win," said Quarry.

Quarry, 39, brought it pretty strong on several topics during a discussion on ESPN1100/98.9 FM. He spoke candidly about his former division and its champ.

"I'm sure he's been making so much money over the past few years and then you convertt that to Brazilian dollars, he's probably set for two or three lifetimes," Quarry said. "[...] Why would he necessarily want to go back into a three or fourth month fight camp, always in pain, always have to wake up and train when you've done so much already? There comes a point where he's saying "you know what? I've got enough money. I've got enough fame. My country loves me. I've set plenty of records.'"

Quarry thinks a victory over Chael Sonnen this summer could be the end of the road for Silva.

Meanwhile, Florian is under the UFC banner working for Fuel TV. His initial foray into broadcasting came with ESPN as part of its "MMA Live" show. Now his role's a bit different as the live fight analyst on Fuel TV. Florian, 35, knows the sport, can articulate the complicated aspects of it and will be critical when necessary. But he's not going to shred fighters, because he's been there.

"I hated it when I got critiqued as a fighter. So much goes into a fight that people never see, the countless hours of training, the diet, dealing with injuries. The worst feeling in the world, for me anyway, is to lose. Knowing how I felt, it's been hard for me to rip apart a guy after his fight," Florian told

MMA is going to be well represented by a slew of former fighters who'll probably enter the media side of things over the next few years. Brian Stann made his TV debut at the Fuel TV 1 card and in just one showing exhibited the potential to be a top of the heap media personality.


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Friday, February 24, 2012

How heavy and light isotopes separate in magma

How heavy and light isotopes separate in magma [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Feb-2012
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Contact: Kevin Mayhood
Case Western Reserve University

Mass wins the race toward cool -- and leaves a clue to igneous rock formation

In the crash-car derby between heavy and light isotopes vying for the coolest spots as magma turns to solid rock, weightier isotopes have an edge, research led by Case Western Reserve University shows.

This tiny detail may offer clues to how igneous rocks form.

As molten rock cools along a gradient, atoms want to move towards the cool end. This happens because hotter atoms move faster than cooler atoms and, therefore, hotter atoms move to the cool region faster than the cooler atoms move to the hot region.

Although all isotopes of the same element want to move towards the cool end, the big boys have more mass and, therefore, momentum, enabling them to keep moving on when they collide along the way.

"It's as if you have a crowded, sealed room of sumo wrestlers and geologists and a fire breaks out at one side of the room," said Daniel Lacks, chemical engineering professor and lead author of the paper. "All will try to move to the cooler side of the room, but the sumo wrestlers are able to push their way through and take up space on the cool side, leaving the geologists on the hot side of the room."

Lacks worked with former postdoctoral researcher Gaurav Goel and geology professor James A. Van Orman at Case Western Reserve; Charles J. Bopp IV and Craig C. Lundstrum, of University of Illinois, Urbana; and Charles E. Lesher of the University of California at Davis. They described their theory and confirming mathematics, computer modeling, and experiments in the current issue of Physical Review Letters.

Lacks, Van Orman and Lesher also published a short piece in the current issue of Nature, showing how their findings overturn an explanation based on quantum mechanics, published in that journal last year.

"The theoretical understanding of thermal isotope separation in gases was developed almost exactly 100 years ago by David Enskog, but there is as yet not a similar full understanding of this process in liquids," said Frank Richter, who is the Sewell Avery Distinguished Professor at the University of Chicago and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. He was not involved in the research. "This work by Lacks et al. is an important step towards remedying this situation."

This separation among isotopes of the same element is called fractionation.

Scientists have been able to see fractionation of heavy elements in igneous rocks only since the 1990s, Van Orman said. More sensitive mass spectrometers showed that instead of a homogenous distribution, the concentration ratio of heavy isotopes to light isotopes in some igneous rocks was up to 0.1 percent higher than in other rocks.

One way of producing this fractionation is by temperature.

To understand how this happens, the team of researchers created a series of samples made of molten magnesium silicate infused with elements of different mass, from oxygen on up to heavy uranium.

The samples, called silicate melts, were heated at one end in a standard lab furnace, creating temperature gradients in each. The melts were then allowed to cool and solidify.

The scientists then sliced the samples along gradient lines and dissolved the slices in acid. Analysis showed that no matter the element, the heavier isotopes slightly outnumbered the lighter at the cool end of the gradient.

Computer simulations of the atoms, using classical mechanics, agreed with the experimental results.

"The process depends on temperature differences and can be seen whether the temperature change across the sample is rapid or gradual," Lacks said.

Thermal diffusion through gases was one of the first methods used to separate isotopes, during the Manhattan Project. It turns out that isotope fractionation through silicate liquids is even more efficient than through gases.

"Fractionation can occur inside the Earth wherever a sustained temperature gradient exists," Van Orman said. "One place this might happen is at the margin of a magma chamber, where hot magma rests against cold rock. Another is nearly 1,800 miles inside the Earth, at the boundary of the liquid core and the silicate mantle."

The researchers are now adding pressure to the variables as they investigate further. This work was done at atmospheric pressure but where the Earth's core and mantle meet, the pressure is nearly 1.4 million atmospheres.

Lacks and Van Orman are unsure whether high pressure will result in greater or lesser fractionation. They can see arguments in favor of either.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

How heavy and light isotopes separate in magma [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Feb-2012
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Contact: Kevin Mayhood
Case Western Reserve University

Mass wins the race toward cool -- and leaves a clue to igneous rock formation

In the crash-car derby between heavy and light isotopes vying for the coolest spots as magma turns to solid rock, weightier isotopes have an edge, research led by Case Western Reserve University shows.

This tiny detail may offer clues to how igneous rocks form.

As molten rock cools along a gradient, atoms want to move towards the cool end. This happens because hotter atoms move faster than cooler atoms and, therefore, hotter atoms move to the cool region faster than the cooler atoms move to the hot region.

Although all isotopes of the same element want to move towards the cool end, the big boys have more mass and, therefore, momentum, enabling them to keep moving on when they collide along the way.

"It's as if you have a crowded, sealed room of sumo wrestlers and geologists and a fire breaks out at one side of the room," said Daniel Lacks, chemical engineering professor and lead author of the paper. "All will try to move to the cooler side of the room, but the sumo wrestlers are able to push their way through and take up space on the cool side, leaving the geologists on the hot side of the room."

Lacks worked with former postdoctoral researcher Gaurav Goel and geology professor James A. Van Orman at Case Western Reserve; Charles J. Bopp IV and Craig C. Lundstrum, of University of Illinois, Urbana; and Charles E. Lesher of the University of California at Davis. They described their theory and confirming mathematics, computer modeling, and experiments in the current issue of Physical Review Letters.

Lacks, Van Orman and Lesher also published a short piece in the current issue of Nature, showing how their findings overturn an explanation based on quantum mechanics, published in that journal last year.

"The theoretical understanding of thermal isotope separation in gases was developed almost exactly 100 years ago by David Enskog, but there is as yet not a similar full understanding of this process in liquids," said Frank Richter, who is the Sewell Avery Distinguished Professor at the University of Chicago and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. He was not involved in the research. "This work by Lacks et al. is an important step towards remedying this situation."

This separation among isotopes of the same element is called fractionation.

Scientists have been able to see fractionation of heavy elements in igneous rocks only since the 1990s, Van Orman said. More sensitive mass spectrometers showed that instead of a homogenous distribution, the concentration ratio of heavy isotopes to light isotopes in some igneous rocks was up to 0.1 percent higher than in other rocks.

One way of producing this fractionation is by temperature.

To understand how this happens, the team of researchers created a series of samples made of molten magnesium silicate infused with elements of different mass, from oxygen on up to heavy uranium.

The samples, called silicate melts, were heated at one end in a standard lab furnace, creating temperature gradients in each. The melts were then allowed to cool and solidify.

The scientists then sliced the samples along gradient lines and dissolved the slices in acid. Analysis showed that no matter the element, the heavier isotopes slightly outnumbered the lighter at the cool end of the gradient.

Computer simulations of the atoms, using classical mechanics, agreed with the experimental results.

"The process depends on temperature differences and can be seen whether the temperature change across the sample is rapid or gradual," Lacks said.

Thermal diffusion through gases was one of the first methods used to separate isotopes, during the Manhattan Project. It turns out that isotope fractionation through silicate liquids is even more efficient than through gases.

"Fractionation can occur inside the Earth wherever a sustained temperature gradient exists," Van Orman said. "One place this might happen is at the margin of a magma chamber, where hot magma rests against cold rock. Another is nearly 1,800 miles inside the Earth, at the boundary of the liquid core and the silicate mantle."

The researchers are now adding pressure to the variables as they investigate further. This work was done at atmospheric pressure but where the Earth's core and mantle meet, the pressure is nearly 1.4 million atmospheres.

Lacks and Van Orman are unsure whether high pressure will result in greater or lesser fractionation. They can see arguments in favor of either.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Online wine sales in Australia usually have treasures hidden in their bottles of spirits. Australia is the fourth largest wine exporter in the world, and their market is worth $5.5 billion. Their wineries may well be young compared to major vineyards in other regions of the world, but they have produced world-renowned quality wine.

People who buy wine online in Australia cannot test each variety as individuals who buy from the marketplace or from the vineyards directly. Each buyer has to take special care when deciding on the proper vintage for a unique variety. Remember these things when choosing spirits online for the greatest products the Australian wine region can give.

Know your spirits. Never make lucky guesses when scouting for a bottle of bubbly. Some varieties need time to age inside the bottle before you can experience its full flavour. Other varieties, like the Beaujolais nouveau, are perfect for consumption just a few months after bottling. Know your varieties and be acquainted with their characteristics. Cross-reference this together with the descriptions within the online catalogue. Think about purchasing a bottle if something is amiss.

Some websites have an FAQ section where you will find information on spirits as well as their characteristics. This can be ideal for those with no working knowledge on wine. Find and consult any local sommelier if you wish to know the best bottles of sparkly you should get.

Learn your vintage. The vintage is the year when winemakers harvested grapes and bottled the liquor. You?ll find a product?s vintage printed on the label, either below or above the brand name. Some years produce better grapes than others, and that influences the taste of the final product. Knowing which years produced more high-quality grapes will give you a solid idea of which vintage is much better. You should research about weather and harvest conditions thoroughly before purchasing a bottle of sparkly.

Do a price comparison. Pricing is very competitive if you buy wine online in Australia. Winemakers sell their premium items at economical prices so that you can have a taste of Australia?s finest liquor without putting a huge dent on your own budget. Browse different web stores and do a price comparison for every single item. Be sure to take a look at auctions and various other online wine sales in Australia as well. Australia has an excess amount of spirits, and wineries often mark down their prices further to get more patrons.

Buy only from licensed dealers. Some online merchants pass off regular table varieties as high-quality bottles. You could end up paying considerably more compared to what a merchandise is truly worth. You?ll want to visit each vineyard?s official website before looking for third-party retailers. Most Australian winery websites have the option of purchasing items straight from their online catalogue. This ensures you will get authentic Aussie spirits and absolutely nothing less.

Have a look at different online wine sales in Australia to find some of the country?s best offerings. You will get the very best products from any of the wine regions in the continent for excellent prices.

Ellis Weaver is a sommelier who likes to buy wine online Australia from online wine sales Australia.


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Thursday, February 23, 2012


Fit for Duty? The Need for Physical Fitness Programs for Law Enforcement Officers

By Sergeant Adrienne Quigley, Arlington County, Virginia, Police Department; and IACP Fellow

It should not be surprising that physical fitness and exercise improve long-term health. Studies have shown that sedentary people have twice the risk of coronary artery disease than active people as well as a higher risk of stroke, colon cancer, and back injuries. Only 22 percent of U.S. adults get at least 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise five or more times a week, and less than 10 percent exercise vigorously at least three times a week.1 More than 50 percent of deaths in the United States are attributable to these and other lifestyle choices.2

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