Sunday, December 23, 2012

Violence in Iraq spikes. Are US security interests in jeopardy?

A recent rise in civilian deaths and injuries in Iraq is cause for concern, but Pentagon personnel say Iraqi security forces are proving to be 'very capable' in the year since US troops departed.

By Anna Mulrine,?Staff writer / December 21, 2012

Security personnel inspect the site of a car bomb attack in Kirkuk, 155 miles north of Baghdad, in November.

Ako Rasheed/Reuters


Violence in Iraq from July to October hit its highest level in two years, a discouraging sign that ? one year after the last US military vehicles exited the country ? prompts questions about whether the situation on the ground in Iraq jeopardizes America's national security interests.

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The question is one that defense analysts and Pentagon personnel are tracking, with particular attention to the response of US-trained Iraqi security forces to the rising numbers of deaths and injuries of civilians. So far, the assessment of both is guardedly positive.

?The levels of violence there are still extremely high ? and lethal,? says Nora Bensahel, senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), who notes that more people are dying in Iraq today than in Afghanistan, where America?s war is ongoing.

That said, ?there were people who argued that the moment the last US troops left the country it would disintegrate into civil wars and the Iraqi security forces wouldn?t be able to stand,? adds Ms. Bensahel, who co-wrote a report released by CNAS this week, "Revitalizing the Partnership: The United States and Iraq a Year after Withdrawal." ?That hasn?t happened yet. It?s clear that the [Iraqi] security forces were strong enough to be able to hold together and maintain certain levels of capabilities.??

The violence in Iraq is marked by considerable brutality, including sectarian killing.?From July to October 2012, 854 civilians were killed and 1,640 were wounded.?

?The Iraqi security forces are continuing to demonstrate themselves to be very capable in handling their country?s security,? says Navy Cmdr. Bill Speaks, a Pentagon spokesman. ?Obviously, today we no longer have a real military footprint inside the country that would make us an authority on the actual security situation there.?

Between 200 and 300 US military personnel remain on the ground in Iraq, training the Iraqi military and overseeing foreign military sales. ?It?s more classroom stuff, dealing at the higher levels ? it?s certainly not range training or basic combat. Obviously we?ve gotten beyond that,? says Speaks.

Those who have been on the ground recently hold a similar view. Lt. Col. Mark Cheadle was in Baghdad for four months after the official end of the war. ?I would have to say things have gone as expected. I wouldn?t say their progress is worse than expected.?

Still, ?it?s not what we would necessarily consider a success from a US or traditional Western point of view,? adds Cheadle, who served as a strategic analyst and adviser for Iraqi key leader engagements.?

US military officials expected ?some violence and tribal fault lines to continue. They have," he notes. "I also think we expected business to begin to thrive and security conditions to trend upward. I think they have.?


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Friday, December 21, 2012

Did learning to fly give bats super-immunity?

Not content with echolocation and being able to sense magnetic fields, when modern bats' ancestors learned to fly, they gained another superpower: immunity to some of the world's deadliest diseases.

Bats carry many diseases, including SARS and Ebola, but very few actually make them sick. For an animal of their size, they also age very slowly, usually being killed by external causes rather than age or disease.

But rather than just evolving to protect the animals from infectious diseases, this incredible immunity may have evolved in response to the extra stresses of flying.

The bat is the only mammal capable of flying long distancesMovie Camera. This means that they use about 20 times more energy than other mammals of the same size during an average day. The by-product of generating the extraordinary amount of energy needed to fly are molecules called reactive oxygen species. These damage DNA by ripping off its hydrogen atoms.

DNA smasher

Christopher Cowled from the CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory in Geelong, Victoria, Australia, figured that to avoid the cancer and premature ageing these DNA-smashing molecules would normally cause, bats had to have evolved a strategy to avoid the damage.

Comparing the genomes of two very different bat species, Cowled and colleagues found that the genes that detect and respond to DNA damage had undergone a sudden change around 88 million years ago, when bats' ancestor's first took to the skies. Because the change wasn't seen in the genomes of other mammals, Cowled attributes the change to the animals' newfound ability.

"We found genetic changes that are right in the intersection that handles DNA damage and initiates the frontline antiviral immune response," says Cowled. "We believe that flight was the initial trigger that led to improvement in the [immune] systems."

Disease beater

"What we're hoping is bats can do something better than humans can, and maybe we can strive to reproduce it," says Cowled. If we can manipulate the human immune response to be more like a bat immune response, maybe we will have a better chance of surviving diseases that bats are immune to, he adds.

Edward Holmes, an infectious disease expert at the University of Sydney in Australia describes this as a "breakthrough study" that reveals part of the reason why the immune system of bats differs from those of other mammals.

"This paper establishes the framework necessary to understand why bats are such an important source of emerging viruses," he says.

Journal reference: Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.1230835

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Genetic defect causing fragile X-related disorders more common than thought

Friday, December 21, 2012

A single genetic defect on the X chromosome that can result in a wide array of conditions ? from learning and emotional difficulties to primary ovarian insufficiency in women and tremors in middle-aged men ? occurs at a much greater frequency than previously thought, research led by the UC Davis MIND Institute has found.

The research is based on the first large-scale, multi-center newborn screening effort for the defect in the United States, conducted in a group of more than 14,200 male and female infants at three research university medical centers piloting a new infant screening test developed at UC Davis.

The study, "FMR1 CGG Allele Size and Prevalence Ascertained Through Newborn Screening in the United States," was led by Flora Tassone, professor-in-residence in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, and was conducted using blood spots obtained from infant heel pricks as part of the normal newborn genetic screening process. It is published online today in the journal Genome Medicine.

The investigators examined the prevalence of expanded alleles of the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. Defects in FMR1 cause conditions as diverse as fragile X syndrome ? the leading cause of intellectual disability and the leading known single-gene cause of autism ? and a Parkinson's disease-like condition called fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome, or FXTAS. The term "fragile X" is used because of the altered appearance of the X chromosome among sufferers from the conditions.

"This study demonstrates that there is a higher frequency of mutations of the FMR1 gene across racial and ethnic groups than previously believed," said Randi Hagerman, medical director of the UC Davis MIND Institute and one of the world's leading experts on fragile X-related conditions. "It also demonstrates that newborn screening for fragile X mutations is technically feasible in a large-scale setting using the blood spot technique developed by Dr. Tassone."

The degree of disability from defects in FMR1 depends upon the number of repetitions of the sequence of the proteins cytosine-guanine-guanine (CGG) in the promoter region of the gene. The range of repeats in normal individuals is between six and 40. CGG repeats greater than 200 cause what is called the full mutation and fragile X syndrome. Fewer repeats ? in the range of 55 to 200 ? result in a variation called a premutation.

The current study found the estimated prevalence of the premutation to be 1 in 200 females, a finding somewhat greater than earlier estimates. However, it estimates the prevalence among males to be 1 in 400 ? double what had previously been reported. The researchers said that the sample size in the current study was not great enough to estimate the true prevalence of the full fragile X mutation, currently estimated at between 1 in 2,500 and 1 in 8,000 females and 1 in 5,000 males.

While most people with the premutation appear normal, some individuals can have mild difficulties in childhood, such as such as learning problems or emotional difficulties including social anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), said Hagerman, a professor in the Department of Pediatrics. Individuals with the premutation also can suffer from FXTAS, which causes debilitating tremors, balance problems and dementia primarily in older men, and premature ovarian insufficiency in women.

Tassone, a researcher affiliated with the MIND Institute, is one of the world's leading experts on screening and identification of the FMR1 mutation. Her polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based test used in the current study was described in January 2008 in the Journal of Molecular Diagnostics.

"This study shows that newborn screening for the FMR1 mutation is technically possible on a large scale," Tassone said. "However, the screening will identify far more carrier and gray-zone infants than those with a full fragile X mutation. As we now know that there may be clinical involvement with these individuals, such as FXTAS, we need to better understand the impact of identifying these mutations on families before widespread newborn screening can be instituted."

Hagerman said that the study is important because early intervention can be helpful for children with these mutations who experience developmental problems. In addition, a baby who is positive for the mutation will have other family members who also carry mutations. Genetic counseling is essential for the family members, in addition to treatment for the medical or psychiatric problems associated with the premutation or full mutation, she said.


University of California - Davis Health System:

Thanks to University of California - Davis Health System for this article.

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Biden: 'We have to take action' on gun control

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The Obama administration will push to tighten gun laws in response to last week's schoolhouse massacre in Connecticut, Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday, and Speaker John Boehner said the GOP-controlled House would consider the proposals.

Biden, who is overseeing the administration's response to Friday's killing of 20 children and six adults at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school, said he and President Barack Obama are "absolutely committed" to curbing gun violence in the United States.

"Even if we can only save one life, we have to take action," he said.

A longtime gun-control advocate, Biden met Thursday with Cabinet members and law enforcement officials from around the country. He said he wanted to meet with the group, which included representatives of at least a dozen law enforcement organizations, because they "know better than anyone else what's needed out there."

Police chiefs helped develop innovations such as community policing and drug courts, Biden said, and they have a comprehensive view of how to approach gun violence.

Gun-control measures have faced fierce resistance in Congress for years, but that may be changing because of the events in Connecticut, which shocked that nation. After the shooting, Obama signaled for the first time that he's willing to spend significant political capital on the issue. Some prominent gun-rights advocates on Capitol Hill ? Democrats and Republicans alike ? have expressed willingness to consider new measures.

Asked if he would allow a vote next year on gun-control legislation, Boehner, R-Ohio, said he and his caucus "join the president in mourning the victims of the horrible tragedy in Connecticut."

When Biden's recommendations come forward, Boehner said: 'We'll certainly take them into consideration."

Obama on Wednesday tapped Biden to lead an informal task force on gun violence and set a January deadline for the recommendations. The group is considering changes such as reinstating a ban on military-style assault weapons, closing loopholes that let gun buyers skirt background checks and restricting high-capacity magazines.

Beyond firearms' restrictions, officials also will look for ways to increase mental health resources and consider steps to keep society from glamorizing guns and violence.

Biden said the assault weapon ban, which expired in 2004, is one thing Congress can do immediately. He pressed the police chiefs to push for such a measure.

"For anything to get done, we're going to need your advocacy," he told the group, which included representatives of the Fraternal Order of Police, International Association of Chiefs of Police and the National Association of Police Organizations.


AP Special Correspondent David Espo contributed to this report.


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Youth Sports: Fourth Grade Boys Basketball - Berlin, CT Patch


The fourth grade Berlin Boys Travel Basketball team had a very successful weekend, as they won two road games against Cheshire and Rocky Hill.?

In Berlin's 31-28 victory over Cheshire, Justin Piskorski scored 14 points and Nate Capodice chipped in with 10 to lead the offense while Nick Melville, Sam D'Addabbo and Johnny McGeever did a fanstastic job defensively.

In a 36-20 victory against Rocky Hill, Trevor Miano led a balanced scoring attack with nine points, along with contributions from Joseph? Caracollia, Ryan Guidice, Connor Thierrien and Luke Barnes.??

With the two victories, Berlin has improved its record to 3-1 on the season.


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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Drilling into buried Antarctic lake stalls

Under the 2-mile-thick layer of ice on a desolate, remote plain in Antarctica lies a lake that has been buried for millennia. Scientists with the British Antarctic Survey are currently camped out above that lake, engaged in an effort, years in the making, to drill down and take water samples from the lake, to see if it holds any forms of life.

Lake Ellsworth is about 7 miles long, a mile wide and 500 feet deep (11 kilometers by 1.6 kilometers by 152 meters). Because the lake has been sealed off by a thick blanket of ice for up to 1 million years ? before modern humans evolved ? scientists think microbes or other forms of life in the water could have evolved in interesting ways to deal with an isolated environment away from sunlight.

The plan to drill into Lake Ellsworth involves a specially designed hot water drill that would bore through the ice and down to the fresh lake water, and then send 24 titanium canisters down through the borehole to take water samples. But the plan has hit a snag.

Technical difficulties
A circuit used in the main boiler that supplies hot water to the drill has burned out twice. The team is awaiting resupply while working to understand how to prevent the problem from happening again.

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"We're experiencing some technical difficulties right now that is preventing us from continuing, at this moment, exploration of the subglacial lake that lies 3 kilometers beneath our feet," Martin Siegert, the lead investigator for the project and a glaciologist at the University of Bristol, said in a Dec. 17 video update on the project's blog.

Siegert noted that such difficulties are not unusual when working in Antarctica. "It's a very hostile environment; it's very difficult to do things smoothly," he said.

While the team is waiting for the new part, it's doing plenty of other science. This week the researchers have been walking a line 1 km to the northeast and southeast of their camp and taking samples of snow at regular intervals. The snow will be melted down and sampled to see what organisms dwell in the snow of the region. [ Extreme Antarctica: Amazing Photos of Lake Ellsworth ]

"When we get into the lake itself, we want to know that the things that we find in it have actually come from the lake, and not from either the drill fluid or the area around the site," explained David Pearce, one of the team's lead scientists, in a video update from Dec. 18.

Siegert said he hopes the team will be able to resume drilling by the end of the week and that the good news is that it has plenty of fuel to continue drilling with.

The harshness of the Antarctic environment and the complete darkness of winter mean that the team can be at the site only during the comparatively mild months of austral spring and summer, from November through January. And once the team breaches the lake, it will have 24 hours to take samples before the borehole freezes shut.

Finding microbes
Finding microbes in the frigid, dark waters of the lake could help scientists better understand the origins of life on our own planet and the potential environments in which it could arise on other planets. Even if no signs of life are found in the lake, that could inform science's understanding of the limits by which life is bound.

The team also hopes to take samples of mud from the bottom of the lake, to better understand the geological history of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and Earth's past climate.

A group of Russian scientists is drilling down into the waters of Lake Vostok, the largest of Antarctica's buried lakes. The team reached the lake's waters during the last drilling season, on Feb. 5, but the few microbes it found in the retrieved samples were all contaminants from the drilling apparatus.

However, another group of scientists has found a thriving community of microbes in Lake Vida, another buried Antarctic lake that is thought to have been isolated from the rest of the world for about 2,800 years.

Reach Andrea Thompson at and follow her on twitter @AndreaTOAP. Follow OurAmazingPlanet on Twitter @OAPlanet. We're also on Facebook and Google+.

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Outrage grows in India over rape on bus

NEW DELHI (AP) ? The hours-long gang-rape and near-fatal beating of a 23-year-old student on a bus in New Delhi triggered outrage and anger across the country Wednesday as Indians demanded action from authorities who have long ignored persistent violence and harassment against women.

In the streets and in Parliament, calls rose for stringent and swift punishment against those attacking women, including a proposal to make rapists eligible for the death penalty. As the calls for action grew louder, two more gang-rapes were reported, including one in which the 10-year-old victim was killed.

"I feel it is sick what is happening across the country. . It is totally sick, and it needs to stop," said Smitha, a 32-year-old protester who goes by only one name.

Thousands of demonstrators clogged the streets in front of New Delhi's police headquarters, protested near Parliament and rallied outside a major university. Angry university students set up roadblocks across the city, causing massive traffic jams.

Hundreds rallied outside the home of the city's top elected official before police dispersed them with water cannons, a move that earned further condemnation from opposition leaders, who accused the government of being insensitive.

"We want to jolt people awake from the cozy comfort of their cars. We want people to feel the pain of what women go through every day," said Aditi Roy, a Delhi University student.

As protests raged in cities across India, at least two girls were gang-raped, with one of them killed.

Police on Wednesday fished out the body of a 10-year old girl from a canal in Bihar state's Saharsa district. Police superintendent Ajit Kumar Satyarthi said the girl had been gang-raped and killed and her body dumped in the canal. Police were investigating and a breakthrough was expected soon, Satyarthi said.

Elsewhere, a 14 -year old schoolgirl was in critical condition in Banka district of Bihar after she was raped by four men, said Jyoti Kumar, the district education officer.

The men have been identified, but police were yet to make any arrests, Kumar said.

Meanwhile, the 23-year-old victim of the first rape lay in critical condition in the hospital with severe internal injuries, doctors said.

Police said six men raped the woman and savagely beat her and her companion with iron rods on a bus driving around the city ? passing through several police checkpoints ? before stripping them and dumping them on the side of the road Sunday night.

Delhi police chief Neeraj Kumar said four men have been arrested and a search was underway for the other two.

Sonia Gandhi, head of the ruling Congress Party, visited the victim, promised swift action against the perpetrators and called for police to be trained to deal with crimes against women.

"It is a matter of shame that these incidents recur with painful regularity and that our daughters, sisters and mothers are unsafe in our capital city," she wrote in a letter to Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit.

In New Delhi and across India, the outpouring of anger is unusual in a country where attacks against women are rarely prosecuted. The Times of India newspaper dedicated four pages to the rape Wednesday, demanding an example be made of the rapists, while television stations debated the nation's treatment of its women.

Opposition lawmakers shouted slogans and protested outside Parliament and called for making rape a capital crime. Cutting across party affiliations, lawmakers demanded the government announce a plan to safeguard women in the city.

Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde told Parliament he had ordered increased police patrols on the streets, especially at night.

Shinde said the government has introduced bills to increase the punishment for rapes and other crimes against women, but they are bogged down in Parliament.

Analysts and protesters said the upsurge of anger was chiefly due to increasing incidents of crime against women and the seeming inability of authorities to protect them.

"We have been screaming ourselves hoarse demanding greater security for women and girls. But the government, the police, and others responsible for public security have ignored the daily violence that women face," said Sehba Farooqui, a women's rights activist.

Farooqui said women's groups were demanding fast-track courts to deal with rape and other crimes against women.

In India's painfully slow justice system, cases can languish for 10 to 15 years before reaching court.

"We have thousands of rape cases pending in different courts of the country. As a result, there is no fear of law," says Ranjana Kumari, a sociologist and head of the New Delhi-based Center for Social Research.

"We want this case to be dealt with within 30 days and not the go the usual way when justice is denied to rape victims because of inordinate delays and the rapists go scot-free," Farooqui said.

Analysts say crimes against women are on the rise as more young women leave their homes to join the work force in India's booming economy, even as deep-rooted social attitudes that women are inferior remain unchanged. Many families look down on women, viewing the girl child as a burden that forces them to pay a huge dowry to marry her off.

Kumari says a change can come about only when women are seen as equal to men.

Rapes in India remain drastically underreported. In many cases, families do not report rapes due to the stigma that follows the victim and her family. In other instances, families may decide not to report a rape out of frustration with the long delays in court and harassment at the hands of the police. Police, themselves are reluctant to register cases of rape and domestic violence in order to keep down crime figures or to elicit a bribe from the victim.

In a sign of the protesters' fury, Khushi Pattanaik, a student, said death was too easy a punishment for the rapists, they should instead be castrated and forced to suffer as their victim did.

"It should be made public so that you see it, you feel it and you also live with it . the kind of shame and guilt," she said.


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