Wednesday, March 28, 2012

First Capital of Switzerland Investment Bank Promotes Use of DIFC ...

DUBAI, UAE, March 27, 2012/PRNewswire/ ?In a fast-changing global environment, practitioners across the financial services spectrum including those in the field of trust and estate planning are always looking for unique and innovative ways to meet their clients? needs.

First Capital of Switzerland Investment Bank (FCSIB) a licensed and regulated entity in the DIFC offering a complete suite of investment banking and wealth management services has strategically positioned itself to provide tailor made solutions for its clients and is capitalizing on the DIFC?s confirmed status as an important international financial centre which offers a stable country environment and world class legal and regulatory infrastructure.

?The DIFC which follows the common law enacted Trust law in 2005 after extensive study of existing trust law of jurisdictions around the globe?, says Anthony D?Aniello, Group Chief Operating Officer and Head of Wealth Management for FCSIB.

?The Law provides clarity and certainty which gives trust practitioners tremendous flexibility in meeting clients? needs. We at FCSIB offer Personal, Corporate and Charitable Trust services all tailor made for our clients. The structures can be conventional or Sharia Compliant,? continuous Mr. D?Aniello.

The Law also forms part of the legislation and service infrastructure at the DIFC designed to serve the needs of families, family business and family offices in the region and beyond. ?This is an important focus,? adds Mr. D?Aniello, ?as historically, most family-run businesses the world over do not survive past the third generation. Ensuring their survival and success is an important way to promote economic growth in the region and the vibrancy of the private sector and we at FCSIB take this very seriously.?

FCSIB is also positioning itself as the Trustee of Choice for Expatriate Employee Benefit Trusts in the UAE and surrounding areas. Since no pension legislation exists for non-national expatriate employees in the Gulf, Mr. D?Aniello sees this as an important opportunity in advising FCSIB?s corporate clients as he believes that this is a key way to attract and retain skilled expatriate personnel.

?FCSIB is in the process of launching a Charitable Trust which shall be entitled to receive Zakat, charitable donations and voluntary grants from individuals and institutions,? states Mr. D?Aniello. ?This charitable trust, he continuous, ?will be transparent following legal and regulatory international best practices and annual by published audited financial statements.?

For more information regarding FCSIB please visit http://www.fcswisscom

Source: First Capital of Switzerland Investment Bank (FCS)


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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sub reaches Earth's deepest place

James Cameron: "It's a heck of a ride, you're just screaming down and screaming back up"

Hollywood director James Cameron has returned to the surface after plunging nearly 11km (seven miles) down to the deepest place in the ocean, the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific.

He made the solo descent in a submarine called Deepsea Challenger, taking over two hours to reach the bottom.

He spent more than four hours exploring the ocean floor, before a speedy ascent back to the surface.

His craft was kitted out with cameras so he could film the deep in 3D.

"It was absolutely the most remote, isolated place on the planet," Mr Cameron told BBC News.

"I really feel like in one day I've been to another planet and come back."

This is only the second manned expedition to the ocean's deepest depths - the first took place in 1960 when US Navy Lt Don Walsh and Swiss oceanographer Jacques Piccard spent about 20 minutes on the ocean floor in a bathyscaphe called the Trieste.

Lt Walsh, who is now in his 80s, joined Mr Cameron and his team of engineers out at sea for the dive.

"It did bring back a lot of memories, just being out there and remembering what we did there," he told BBC News. "It was really grand."

Mr Cameron has spent the past few years working in secret with his team of engineers to design and build the craft, which weighs 11 tonnes and is more than 7m (23ft) long.

He describes it as a "vertical torpedo" that slices through the water allowing him a speedy descent.

The extraordinary attention to detail prevented him from suffering from too much nervousness.

"I can't say that I wasn't apprehensive in the last few days and even the weeks leading up to this, but there's another part of my mind that really understands the engineering and knows why we did everything the way we did," he said.

"Any apprehension I had I left at the hatch. When I went into the sub, I was all pilot at that point."

The tiny compartment that the film-maker sits in is made from thick steel, which is able to resist the 1,000 atmospheres of pressure he experienced at full ocean depth.

The rest of the vertical column is made from a material called syntactic foam - a solid made mostly of hollow "microballoons" - giving it enough buoyancy to float back up.

The sub has so many lights and cameras that it is like an underwater TV studio - with Mr Cameron able to direct and film the action from within. He intends to release a documentary.

It also has robotic arms, allowing him to collect samples of rocks and soils, and a team of researchers are working alongside the director to identify any new species. He says that science is key to his mission.

But the first task was to get to the inky depths - which despite untold hours of training, still surprised Mr Cameron.

"My reference frame was going to the Titanic 10 or 12 years ago, and thinking that was the deepest place I could ever imagine," he recalled.

"On this dive I blazed past Titanic depth at 12,000 ft and was only a third of the way down, and the numbers keep going up and up and up on the depth gauge.

"You just kind of look at them with a sense of disbelief, and you wonder if the bottom is ever going to be there."

At the bottom, Mr Cameron encountered incredibly fine silt, which he had to be careful not to disturb. He said he spotted a few small, as-yet unidentified life forms but found the depths to be a "sterile, almost desert-like place".

Before the dive, James Cameron told the BBC's Rebecca Morelle why he was risking it all

While manned exploration had until now seen a 52-year hiatus, scientists have used two robotic unmanned vehicles to explore the Mariana Trench: Japan's Kaiko made a dive there in 1995 and the US-based Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's vessel Nereus explored the deep in 2008.

Other teams, such as Scotland's Oceanlab, have also been dropping simple landers loaded with bait and cameras into the deepest ocean.

While places like the Mariana Trench were once thought to be of little interest, there has been a recent resurgence of scientific interest in the deep.

Scientists are finding life that can resist the colossal pressures, from deep-sea fish to shrimp-like scavengers called amphipods, some of which can reach 30cm (1ft) long.

They are also trying to understand the role that deep seas trenches play in earthquakes - these cracks in the sea floor are formed at the boundary of two tectonic plates and some believe the push and pull taking place deep underwater could be the cause of major earthquakes, such as the 2011 quake that resulted in such devastation in Japan.

But some scientists question whether manned exploration provides the best platform for scientific research.

Dr Alan Jamieson, from Oceanlab, said: "I think what James Cameron has done is a really good achievement in terms of human endeavour and technology.

"But my feeling is that manned submersibles like this are limited in scientific capabilities when compared to other systems, mostly due to the fact there is someone in it. Remote or autonomous systems can collect a far greater volume of useful scientific data for far less money."

Engineer David Wotherspoon explains how Deepsea Challenger works

Mr Cameron says he does not want this dive to the deep to be a one-off, and wants to use it as a platform for ocean exploration.

His craft may also soon be joined by other manned submersibles vying to reach the ocean's deepest depths.

One of these crafts, the DeepFlight Challenger, belongs to former real estate investor Chris Welsh, and is backed by Virgin's Richard Branson. It is about to begin its water trials.

Its design is based on a plane, and Mr Welsh says he will be "flying" down to the deepest ocean.

Google's Eric Schmidt has helped to finance another sub being built by a US marine technology company called Doer Marine. They want this sub to carry two to three people, and are placing a heavy emphasis on science.

And Triton submarines, a Florida-based submersible company, intends to build a sub with a giant glass sphere at its centrepiece to take tourists down to the deepest ocean for $250,000 a ticket.


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Gifts That You Can Find In A Breast Cancer Gift Shop | Bricorey

Breast cancer continues to be major heath concern mainly in women although it has been proved that men are also victims. Common treatments for the disease include chemotherapy, surgery, immunotherapy, radiation and vaccine therapy. It is advisable for one to undergo regular checkups since early detection plays a significant role in recovery.

There are many donations that people towards the support for the advancement of breast cancer research and most of them are mainly in form of gifts. By visiting a?breast cancer walks for gift shop, you?ll be able to buy a wide range of gifts that can go a long way in saving a precious life.

Listed below are some of the gifts that you can find in a breast cancer gift shop:

? Clothes: There are lots of clothes that are sold in breast cancer gift shops, all of which are premised on creating awareness. Essentially the clothes are fitted with a pink ribbon that acts as a symbol of breast cancer awareness. These clothes may include jackets, shirts, underwear and many other accessories. The clothes also contain a special message related to breast cancer.

? Stationery: The awareness is also taken a notch higher through the printing of greeting cards, posters, calendars and journals. All of these are printed in pink and they usually have powerful words imprinted on them in the support of breast cancer awareness.

? Novelty items: The shops also contain innovative items all of which are meant for supporting this cause. These include stuffed bears, license plate frames, computer items and many others.

? Gift baskets: Gift baskets are wonderful gifts to breast cancer patients since they usually bring along good cheer through messages of love and comfort. Inside them you can also find items such as scented soap, candles, mugs, comfortable socks and books.

In case the person to want to present the gift to has a pet, you can choose to buy the gorgeous doggie T-Shirts. Other miscellaneous gifts that are available include hanging ornaments, wall clocks and tiles that bear a breast cancer message. The?breast cancer gift shop offers you a wide array of such products and through buying them you will be helping save lives the world over.


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Monday, March 26, 2012

Business Consulting ? How to Use a Consultant to Facilitate ...

Business consulting has found that the Goal-setting Theory is especially useful in predicting associate behavior. In many business situations, associates were sales representatives. The company that you may work for, may as an example, manufacture high-end Italian furniture. The sales reps that reported to you may be all independent contractors who carried multiple non-competing lines.

The theory of goal setting and motivation, it is used by business consultants, asserts that effort is directed toward the attainment of specifically set goals. Goals have two main functions: to provide a source of motivation and to direct behavior. A goal also helps a person determine how much effort to put into his work. The primary goals that our sales force sought to attain were yearly sales goals. However, other more subjective goals were also assigned: such as those based on types of new dealers opened in a year or the level of assistance provided with accounts receivable problems.

According to this theory, the ambition and intention to reach a goal must be tied to the individual?s acceptance of the goal. In fact, you may have worked closely with the sales reps to set their individual targets. You may have wanted them to participate in order to create buy-in and acceptance. If this is so, as a business consultant when instruct you, you may entirely agree with the statement about the necessity of creating and instituting achievable goals for your sales reps. If you do not Institute achievable goals, you?ll more than likely see the goals rejected because they our viewed as too difficult, or because you are not clear enough in explaining what behaviors are expected.

In business consulting, assisting with instituting proper goal setting is one of the top areas consultants are hired for. Consultants can come in to an organization and assist with facilitating change, but if the employees in the organization are hesitant to change, proper goal setting and achievement will be tough.

If you are out to increase the effectiveness of your online exposure and attract prospective online customers, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about effectively using a business consultant to facilitate company growth.

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David Hale, is the CEO & Founder of DHI-Communications, a full-time Inbound marketing consultancy specializing in assisting businesses with harnessing the awesome power of search engine marketing to dramatically increase their online visibility, generate greater site traffic and how to convert subscribers to paying customers.

Article Source:


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A word from Stephen Fields, SJ (Powerlineblog)

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Use 100 % Free Website Seo Programs To Showcase Web-based

by charles on March 24, 2012

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  2. Search engine marketing Consulting And it?s really Expanding Effect on Internet companies
  3. SEARCH ENGINE RANKING OPTIMIZATION Services in Of india: Ingredients and Reasons to make use of Them
  4. How Does Ethics Website link to Search engine optimisation/SEM?
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Police: Suspect in French spree hit by 20 bullets

France 2 via Reuters

This undated frame grab from a video broadcast Wednesday by French national television station France 2 purports to show Mohamed Merah, the suspect in the killing of three paratroopers, three children and a rabbi.

By staff

PARIS -- An autopsy on the body of Mohamed Merah, the suspect in the shooting spree in the city of Toulouse, shows he was hit by some 20 bullets, The Associated Press reported.

Judicial and police officials said Friday that a bullet wound to the left temple and another to the abdomen of Merah, 23, were fatal, the AP said. But the officials said he had 20 wounds, mainly to the arms and legs. The AP said the officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss the case publicly.

Spymaster: Gunman didn't plan school attack

Merah, who claimed al-Qaida ties, was suspected of kiling seven people in three attacks -- in fact, during a 32-hour standoff, he told negotiators that he was responsible, police said. He died Thursday in a gunfight with police who said they fired in self-defense.

More from and NBC News:

Follow us on Twitter: @msnbc_world


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bottom Line - Celebrity real estate: Sinatra, Cruise homes hit market


Alicia Keys' Manhattan penthouse is all style and glass.

By Staff, Zillow

Alicia Keys is moving on from her gorgeous Manhattan apartment, Frank Sinatra's former home is for sale, and the former rental home of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes as well as Russell Crowe is available for lease.

Alicia Keys lists 'Empire-State-of-Mind' penthouse

Forget about moving on up. Singer and New York native Alicia Keys did that a long time ago, trading her childhood residence at the artist-friendly Manhattan Plaza apartment complex in Hell's Kitchen for a slick SoHo real estate market triplex.

Now Keys and her producer husband Swizz Beatz have listed their Crosby Street penthouse for $17.95 million only two years after the couple bought the place from funk/soul/rocker Lenny Kravitz for $12.5 million.


The dining room features immense skylights and chandeliers.

According to Sotheby's International, which holds the listing, the apartment boasts five bedrooms, four bathrooms, four powder rooms and an enormous state-of-the-art, windowed, gourmet eat-in kitchen with walk-in butler's pantry. And separate formal dining room that faces east encased in a glass solarium.

That's only the start of the grand tour of a pad once rented by Nicole Kidman and Denzel Washington. The place also has an expansive living room with fireplace and library/media room that are all surrounded by undoubtedly one of the most beautiful private terraces in all of SoHo. Upstairs, there's a separate private master suite complete with spa, pass-through dressing area and private terrace.

Read more about Alicia Keys' penthouse.

Owner of former Sinatra home didn't stay long


Frank Sinatra owned this home during a low point during his career.

When Paramount Pictures chairman and CEO Brad Grey bought Frank Sinatra's former Los Angeles home in November 2010 for $18.5 million, the famous Hollywood producer had big plans to restore and renovate the brick ranch that sits on a parklike 2.3 acres.

Turns out that, in the end, the Sinatra house that inspired Grey's dreams was merely a nice set for Grey's wedding in April 2011 to his new wife, Cassandra. The wedding was called lavish, and attended by the likes of Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Lopez. The couple has since moved to Bel Air, making Grey's ownership stint a lot like Sinatra's.

"My client still owns (the Sinatra house) but I sold him another property. He didn't want to go through the process of renovating the house,'' said Stephen Shapiro, who holds the listing at Westside Estate Agency.

The property has been back on the market since September, when Grey listed the Holmby Hills residence for $23.5 million. After a price drop on March 15, the former Sinatra home at 320 N. Carolwood Drive was re-listed for its current list price of $19,995,000.

According to the Sinatra biography "The Voice,'' by James Kaplan, Sinatra bought the house in 1948 for $250,000 at a time when his career was at a low ebb. Sinatra had built a dream home in Palm Springs, and was strapped for cash and on the verge of divorce.


Sinatra's former home spans 8,600 square feet.

Rent like Tom Cruise or Russell Crowe for $100K a month


The rental has nearly three acres of manicured grounds.

What do Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes and Russell Crowe have in common?

Besides star status and high-paying movie roles, all three have at some point, for at least a little while, called 918 N. Alpine Drive home in Los Angeles.

The Tudor-style home was rented by Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise for $55,000 a month and then leased by Russell Crowe while he filmed "State of Play."

In 2001, the nearly three-acre estate was also the filming location for several scenes in the movie "Blow" starring Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz.

And for someone with a celebrity-sized housing budget, the home is available again ? this time for a whopping monthly rental price of $100,000.

Available as a short or long-term lease, the Beverly Hills rental is set back from the street ? perfect for privacy-seeking celebrity tenants. With almost three acres of landscaped property, 6,685 square feet of living space and three separate guest apartments, the estate also has enough room for the star with the biggest entourage of stylists, security personnel and various and sundry assistants.


The backyard features private gardens surrounded by high hedges and greenery.


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Friday, March 23, 2012

Obama on Solyndra: Not Our Program Per Se (Michellemalkin)

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Master Gardening ? Providing The Proper Conditions For - The Family

By Alan on Mar 21 in Blog tagged Asian pear tree, bare root, compost, cool season crops, Dennis Adamson, fertilize, grafted onto hardy rootstock, greenhouse for warm season plants, liquid root stimulating fertilizer, pea seeds, peat, Providing the proper conditions for propagation, radiation therapy, Vermiculite, week 63, well watered | No Comments

Week 63 ?

Providing the Proper Conditions for Propagation

By: ?Dennis Adamson
Master Gardener ? For The family

the family

I was planning on a much longer article, but my radiation therapy has made me more fatigued than I expected.? My radiation oncologist said that seems to be happening to some of the patients, even though they are able to give very localized tissue radiation treatment.? He said that it would probably last for 2-3 months after the last treatment.? I may have to take a break in the articles for a while.? I will tell you though that I have been truly blessed during this trial by the loving kindness and tender mercies of the Lord.

My son came over and potted 3 bare root Asian pear trees a week ago Friday.? We did it this way so they can remove some foliage and trees from the area where we will plant the trees at their home.? They are all grafted onto hardy rootstock.? They should be planted as soon as they arrive.? If they can?t, then inspect the packing around the roots to make sure it is still moist and then re-wrap the tree and place it in a cool dark place like your garage.

Soak the roots for 2 hours before planting in water.? The roots are spread out and the soil is tamped down around the roots.? The graft joint is left a few inches above the soil. ?The container is well watered and I also fertilize with a liquid root stimulating fertilizer at this time.? When we get ready to plant the trees we will cut the bottom off of the container and then score one side from top to bottom.? A hole will be dug and watered, and then the container will be placed into it.? The soil will be filled in on 3 sides of the container with the scored side showing.? It will then be cut through and the remaining pot gently lifted out of the hole.? The hole can then be completely filled in. ?The photo of a bare root fruit tree with a graft union was found at:

??Bare root fruit tree with graft? ???????Planted in container

?Buds starting to come out

My daughter-in-law, Janie, and some of the grandchildren, who live in our same town, potted another Asian pear tree on recently. ?Janie and her youngest, Leah, weeded and raked 2 of the raised beds.? Compost will be added to these two later.

?Janie and Leah weeding ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Leah raking

Cleaned out beds

Two other granddaughters, Elise and Ashley, then prepared the raised beds for planting.? First they cleaned out the beds.? Next they prepared a soilless mix composed of 2 parts compost, one part peat and one part vermiculite to be added to the beds.? Elise then watered the beds and place pea seeds.? She then pushed of the seeds down with the eraser side of a pencil.


???? Elise and Ashley mixing ???Ashley adding mix to beds


? ? ? ? ? ? Elise watering mix ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Elise putting peas in place


Pushing peas into soil with pencil ?? Ashley putting hose away

I sorted out all of my seed packets and threw out those that were old duplicates.? Some that weren?t duplicate, but were older, I started a seed germination test.? See my article on ?Saving and Storing Seeds?, which tells you how to do this:

After teaching a class on ?Ornamental Grasses? for the Utah State University Extension Service Advanced Master Gardener class at Thanksgiving Point Lehi, Utah I picked up some additional seed packets to replace some that I had used all of the seeds.


???????????? Seeds sorted out ?????????????????????? Home germination test

Preparing to teach class

Once my grandchildren have more time we will plant the rest of the cool season crops and then start planting seeds in the greenhouse for warm season plants.? These will then be transplanted outside once the chance of frost has past.

Alma 38: 5?? ?I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day.? ?

Psalms 103: 4? ?Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;?

We?ll have to see what comes next depending on my health.

?Note:? Dennis is currently in the hospital taking radiation therapy. ?He is not only an amazing Master Gardener, He is a Master Friend! ?This is Dennis?s 63rd article in a row and he insists on trying to provide these for those who follow him at from the hospital!? ?If you have enjoyed his articles and want to wish him well, send him a note along with any questions to:

Dennis Adamson -?Master Gardener
For The Family?









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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Are Celebrity Cougars Becoming Extinct? | Cupid's Pulse: Celebrity ...

Cupid's Pulse, celebrity couples, cougars, Demi Moore, Goldie Hawn, Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. Photo: ibtimes

By?Ch? Blackwood

Until the early 2000s, most women hadn?t even considered moving backward a generation in their search for a partner, and if they did, their friends and the rest of society served them with a cool dish of disapproval. ?Then, the cougar craze peaked when couples like Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher became household names. ?Single women everywhere finally felt free to scope out younger men in their hunky hunt for love. ?Now, nearly a decade later, the publicity over cougars has slowed to a crawl and with the dissolve of the Kutcher-Moore marriage, some have been left to wonder if the phenomenon has passed. ?Newsflash: it hasn?t! ?The press may have moved on to newer stories, but these couples prove that women have been following their hearts, regardless of age, long before the cougar craze hit, and they?ll continue to do so long after:

Related: Demi Moore Proves There?s Hope After Divorce

1. Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon: Married April 30, 2008
With 11 years between them, this duo?s whirlwind romance proved to be more than a fling when Cannon placed a rock hard diamond on Carey?s hand. ?The birth of their twins in 2011 only solidified their union, and the pair shows no sign of slowing down.

Related: 10 Most Beautiful Celebrity Couples

2. Deborra-Lee Furness and Hugh Jackman:? Married April 11, 1996
Mrs. Wolverine slashed her way into sexy Hugh Jackman?s heart in the 90s, stepping over their 13 year age difference long before being a cougar was trendy. ?Fifteen years and two children later, Furness isn?t regretting her decision to ditch society?s sense of normalcy as the couple prepares to celebrate another anniversary in April.

3. Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart: Together Since November 2011
After going through a very public divorce with music legend and ex-hubby Marc Anthony, Lopez has found happiness with her backup dancer Casper Smart. ?With an 18 year age difference causing a backlash of criticism, Lopez has taken to Twitter to fight back. ?She?s explained that ?age is merely a ?log? of the time we?ve been on Earth? and that ?society needs to shut their ears and open their hearts.? ?With pictures surfacing of the two lovebirds enjoying their time together, it appears that this Bronx girl has certainly opened hers.

4. Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell: Together Since? 1983
With their story starting in 1983, this twosome demonstrates a classic case of love outlasting all obstacles. ?Other than their six year age difference, the couple overcame blending their families together (both had children from previous marriages) and rumors of Russell?s alleged infidelity. ?With a romance that?s lasted 25 years, we think Hawn is one of the the best examples of the longevity of a cougar?s love.

5. Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas: Married May 14, 1996
This adorable couple have been married for fifteen years, long since laughing off their three year age difference. ?While both have had successful acting careers, nothing has been more fulfilling than their relationship, marriage and child. ?While their age difference isn?t the most shocking, it appears as if these two would have hooked up no matter their ages.

Do you think the cougar phenomenon is over? If not, are you the cougar in a successful relationship? Tell us in a comment below.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Volatile Guinea-Bissau holds presidential vote

Voters in Guinea-Bissau cast ballots for a new president Sunday in polls seen a key test for the west African state whose chronic instability has fed a booming cocaine trade.

Opposition candidates criticised what they said was the poor organisation of the vote, with one alleging possible fraud. But the national election commission said it had not noted any irregularities.

"I have information concerning signs of fraud," said independent candidate Henrique Rosa, who led an interim government after president Kumba Yala was overthrown in a 2003 coup.

"My team and I are busy investigating before we say anything further," he added.

Yala, who is also running, criticised what he said were "badly organised" polls, adding: "All that is the responsibility of the government."

Election commission vice-president Orlando Veigas said in a statement earlier Sunday that monitors had not noticed any irregularities.

Nor had the British election observer team, according to its head, Peter Thompson, who spoke to AFP from the central town of Oio.

Polling stations closed around 5:00 pm (1700 GMT), and counting began immediately. But the commission has not said when the results will be released.

If no clear winner emerges, the vote will go to a second round, which will take place between April 22 and 29.

The election is seen as crucial for setting the country on the path to stability and qualifying it for crucial international aid to help reform a bloated and powerful army -- and end the country's appalling record of coups.

Guinea-Bissau achieved independence from Portugal in 1974, the only west African nation to do so through armed combat.

But ever since then, the army and state have remained in constant, often deadly conflict, with the result that no president has ever completed a full term in office. Three have been overthrown by coups and one was assassinated in office in 2009.

Sunday's election came after the last president, Malam Bacai Sanha, died in January following a long illness.

"The country needs peace and quiet," one voter, retired electrician Jaime Antonio Lopes, said at a polling station in the crumbling seaside capital Bissau.

"I am sick and the country must be peaceful so I can get care," added the 64-year-old, who walked slowly and with difficulty.

A mutiny by renegade soldiers in April 2010 prompted the European Union and the United States to suspend monetary aid for badly needed reforms to the army, which demands 10 percent of the country's budget.

Although the three-week election campaign was peaceful, some fear violence or even another military intervention if the army does not approve of the winning candidate.

Nine candidates are in the running, including Carlos Gomes Junior, 62, who stepped down as prime minister to run for the ruling African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (APIGCV).

"My victory is certain," he said -- a confidence echoed by most of the candidates.

Vincent Foucher of the International Crisis Group based in Dakar said the international community saw Gomes as "the least worst" candidate.

But Gomes has been unpopular with the military for advocating a reform of the army. He was even briefly kidnapped by the current army chief during the 2010 mutiny.

Oil-rich Angola is believed to have played a powerful role in smoothing tensions in the country, where it has scores of troops stationed.

Their presence has been another source of resentment for some elements in the country's military, who feel Gomes is cultivating a personal security force, Foucher said.

Impoverished Guinea-Bissau, which survives mostly by exporting cashew nuts and fishing, is also working on a big bauxite mining project which could boost the economy.

A dysfunctional state with a porous coastline and an archipelago where hidden airstrips can be set up, it has also provided fertile ground for Latin American drug lords looking for a hub to ship their cocaine to Europe.

The United States in 2010 labeled the country's air force and naval chiefs "drug kingpins," and the trafficking was said to involve leaders of the country's highest institutions.

The electoral commission announced Saturday that 593,000 had registered to vote, an unexplained increase from a previous figure of 579,000.


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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Two More Solar Flares Erupt on Active Sun Saturday

Two new solar flares erupted from the sun today (March 10), blasting streams of plasma and charged particles into space.

The outbursts were both categorized as M-class solar flares, and exploded from the surface of the sun at 12:27 a.m. EST(0527 GMT) and 12:44 p.m. EST (1744 GMT), respectively, according to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

Today's flares are the latest in a string of powerful eruptions from a sunspot region, called AR1429, which has been particularly active this week. This dynamic region has already unleashed three strong X-class solar flares.

On Tuesday (March 6), two powerful X-class eruptions triggered the strongest solar storm in eight years, according to solar physicists at the Space Weather Prediction Center, which is jointly operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Weather Service.

Space weather scientists use five categories ? A, B, C, M and X ? to rank solar flares based on their strength and severity. A-class flares are the weakest types of sun storms, while X-class eruptions are the most powerful.

Today's flares also unleashed a wave of plasma and charged particles, called a coronal mass ejection (CME), into space. This wave is expected to reach Earth on March 12, on the heels of a previous CME released by an earlier flare this week.

When these particles arrive at our planet, they could interfere with satellite communications and even power grids on the ground. They are also likely to spark auroras, or northern and southern lights, which are caused when charged particles collide with Earth's magnetic field.

Skywatchers this week have already spotted particularly amazing views of the lights, and are gearing up for more.

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

IACFP Blog: DOJ Director on Violence Against Women in the United ...

DOJ Director on Violence Against Women in the United States - Forbes

"In one of the most in-depth discussions to date on violence against women in the United States, and to coincide with International Women?s Day, I interviewed Susan B. Carbon, Director of the United States Department of Justice?s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW).

Ms. Carbon was nominated to this position by President Barack Obama on October 1, 2009 and confirmed by the United States Senate on February 11, 2010. As Director, she serves as the liaison between the Department of Justice and federal, state, tribal, and international governments on crimes of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. In this role, she is responsible for developing the Department?s legal and policy positions regarding the implementation of the Violence Against Women Act and oversees an annual budget of nearly $400 million.

Rahim Kanani: How would you characterize the landscape of justice today with respect to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking here in the United States?

Susan Carbon: Although violent crime has decreased nationwide, the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking still devastate the lives of too many women, men, youth, and children. Since then-Senator Biden brought national attention to crimes of violence against women in hearings in 1990, we have learned more about their shocking prevalence. One in every four women and one in every seven men have experienced severe physical violence by a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend.[1] Stalkers victimize approximately 5.2 million women and 1.4 million men each year in the U.S, with domestic violence-related stalking the most common type of stalking and often the most dangerous.[2] One in ten 9th-12th grade students were physically hurt on purpose by a boyfriend or girlfriend in 2009 alone.[3] One in five women and one in 71 men have been raped in their lifetimes, and nearly 1.3 million women in the U.S. are raped every year.[4] The statistics are sobering ? even more so with our understanding that these types of crimes are often the most underreported.[5] Many victims suffer in silence without confiding in family and friends, much less reaching out for help from hospitals, rape crisis centers, shelters, or even the police.

Given the continued prevalence of the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking and the serious ongoing consequences to victims, their children and our communities, the grant programs authorized under VAWA are an investment in our nation?s future. Congress recognized the severity of these serious crimes and our need for a national strategy with the enactment of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in 1994. As a result of this comprehensive legislative package aimed at eradicating violence against women, we have witnessed a paradigm shift in how the issue of violence against women is addressed in the United States, and countless lives have been positively impacted. VAWA has led to significant improvements in the criminal and civil justice systems, encouraging victims to file complaints, improving evidence collection, and increasing access to protection orders.[6]Victims now can reach out for help, call the police, find 24-hour emergency services, and take steps to leave abusive relationships. Domestic violence is no longer considered a private family matter, and is being addressed as a serious public health and criminal justice issue. Stalking is recognized as a dangerous crime, not just something that happens to celebrities. Schools are developing polices to respond to teen dating violence. The prevalence and devastation of sexual assault is finally being recognized. Thousands of women, men, and children have received life-saving services from rape crisis centers and domestic violence shelters. And I?m proud to say we?re engaging men as leaders in ending violence against women. All this adds up. By reducing crimes and the subsequent costs to the criminal justice and health care systems, VAWA has realized cost savings. A 2002 study found that VAWA saved an estimated $12.6 billion in net averted social costs in its first six years alone.[7] Even small investments in VAWA have been shown to make a difference on the ground.[8]

One of the signature achievements of VAWA, reauthorized in 2000 and 2005, is the development of the concept of a coordinated community response. VAWA-funded projects have an impact that goes well beyond the number of victims served, professionals trained, or arrests made. VAWA encourages jurisdictions to bring together stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to share information and to use their distinct roles to improve community responses to violence against women. This mechanism allows these programs to serve as models for other agencies in their jurisdictions. This not only improves the quality of victim services and the criminal and civil justice response, it often changes the attitudes of the community as a whole."


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Solar storm lights up northern skies

Francois Campredon / AFP - Getty Images

Northen lights ripple through the skies over Abisko in Swedish Lapland late March 7.

By Alan Boyle

So far, the disruption caused by this week's solar storm seems to be minimal, but skywatchers are maximizing the opportunity to see auroral fireworks ? and tonight just might be prime time for the show. Or maybe not.

For several days now, the sun has been sending out bursts of electrically charged particles, known as coronal mass ejections or CMEs. The most spectacular flare-up came late Tuesday, when two X-class solar flares blazed up from a particularly active sunspot region. The waves of particles associated with those flares began sweeping over Earth's magnetic field today.

Usually, that would suggest that tonight's the night to look for the northern lights in somewhat less northern regions of the globe ? say, Massachusetts, Nebraska or Oregon. Two factors could put a damper on those expectations: First, the geomagnetic component of the storm is not as powerful as space weather forecasters had expected, at least not yet. Second, the full moon's glare might wash out the delicate glow of the aurora.

To find out whether there's a chance of seeing the northern lights, check out the Ovation Auroral Forecast map from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Testbed, as well as the Aurora Forecast website maintained by the University of Alaska's Geophysical Institute. Right now the outlook is great for Fairbanks and Edmonton, not so good for Boise or Boston. But you never know ? and besides, it's worth going out to take a look at the moon and several planets together in the sky, even if the northern lights aren't shining in your locale.

Rest assured the lights will be shining in the usual places, including Scandinavia, Russia and Canada. Here are a few of the beauties from last night. For even more, click on over to the galleries at

Timo Veijalainen / AV-Lappi

Timo Veijalainen of Sodankyla, Finland, sends along this picture of the northern lights. "There were lots of clouds during the night, but driving to east was answer to our problem," he said in a note to "Near midnight, auroras started to dance. It didn't last long, but luckily I got few images." Check out the gallery at, and stop by Veijalainen's AV-Lappi website.

AuroraMAX / CSA

The AuroraMAX all-sky camera near Yellowknife in Canada's Northwest Territories captured this subtle display of greenish and reddish auroral lights early this morning. For more from AuroraMAX, check out the project's website and Twitpic gallery.

More auroral glories:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's Facebook page, following @b0yle on Twitter or adding Cosmic Log's Google+ page to your circle. You can also check out "The Case for Pluto," my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for other worlds.


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Friday, March 9, 2012

VoIP Hosted Telecommunications Call Quality | Voip Phone

Expanding small to medium size (SMS) business firms have long faced the dilemma of how to best grow their telephone and fax services at affordable prices. The transition of going from simple key telephone systems to ownership and operation of a Private Branch eXchange (PBX) phone system involves a large capital outlay, monthly operational and maintenance costs, and the acceptance of risks associated with technical obsolesence. Traditional telephone companies addressed this need by offering Centrex service. Centrex provides a hosted telecommunicatons solution where customers rely on their local central office switch to provide PBX-like services but without the capital investment necessary to purchase a switch. Today, hosted telecommunications is rapidly becoming a synonym for a variety of hosted VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service offerings. In this article, we review call quality issues you should consider when deciding if a hosted telecommunications service is the right choice for your business.

The telephone system that people used in the 1990?s didn?t start out with Alexander Graham Bell using a Class 5 Electronic Switching System (5ESS). High-quality telephone calls were achieved over a long period of time. Just about the time when telephone calls were reaching a state of perfection, along came cell-phones and call quality rather moved back to square one. With cell phones long distance costs dropped but so did lots of telephone calls. The new consumer paradigm became lower costs and lower quality communications. This nicely set the stage for the development in Israel of voice over the Internet.

The Internet was designed from the ground up to meet the technical requirements of computer-to-computer communications. The protocol mechanisms support cool things like allowing data to arrive over the network out of chronological order because computers don?t really mind rearranging data after transit. Humans, however, tend to become a bit flustered if the end of a sentence repeatedly arrives before the beginning. Nevertheless, because it is less expensive to build a network with TCP/IP routers than with 5ESS systems the lure of reducing phone costs resulted in numerous technical efforts to refine VoIP.

VoIP, and other real-time applications, require low-latency queuing, jitter control, and other mechanisms to control the Quality of Service (QoS) allocated by network resources. One drawback to deploying QoS, however, is that it increases operational complexity and costs. QoS on the Internet is also at the center of a hotly contested debate known as Internet Neutrality or ?net neutrality?. The capability to prioritize traffic flows on the Internet has broad revenue and equal access implications for data applications such as the world wide web. Without QoS support, however, the quality of any given VoIP connection over the Internet is little more than a coin toss. In many areas of the world ISP?s have overprovisioned network capacity, obviating the need for QoS. In cases where a transit network is not adequately overprovisioned, however, call quality can suffer substantially. Thus, it has become common to hear stories about consumers who have fantastic VoIP hosted telecommunications service from a given provider while a different set of customers of the same service experience terrible call quality to the extent that they discontinue service. VoIP hosted telecommunications providers have no control over call quality on public Internet transit networks. Business consumers especially need to evaluate their call quality requirements verses cost when evaluating VoIP hosted telecommunications services.

Additional information along with comparisons can be found at iTechGuide.

c 2011 Canon Publishing, LLC

Jason Canon has authored numerous technical publications including: photonic switching, gigabit networking, VoIP E9-1-1 and others. He is an expert author for


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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kibbles 'n' Bts ? 3/6/12: the Day Bugs Bunny Died A Horrible Death ...

? While America has been been locked in a massive ideological battle over birth control and offensive radio show hosts of late, in Canada, they have even more powerful and shocking issue that galvanize a nation to action. Namely, network Global TV was forced to apologize for failing to warn viewersthat an episode of FAMILY GUY included a scene where Bugs Bunny died a grisly, lingering death.

The CBSC investigated an episode of the show that ran on July 23 at 5 p.m., in which ?there was a spoof of a Bugs Bunny cartoon in which Elmer Fudd shot Bugs at close range with a rifle. Bugs screamed and gripped his chest as blood poured out of him. He died in a prolonged and dramatic manner, after which Fudd Twisted Bugs? neck and dragged Bugs? lifeless body by the ears through a pool of blood.? It wasn?t the violence that bothered the regulator, but the lack of warning. ?The panel finds that the scene was definitely somewhat gruesome and uncomfortable to watch,? it wrote. ?It recognizes, however, that the scene was intended to satirize the violence found in that type of cartoon program. The gag was somewhat tongue-in-cheek since Family Guy itself is an animated program that sometimes contains violence.?

Just how squeamish about cartoon violence are Canadians? The link to a (now removed) YouTube video of the scenes in question was labeled as follows:

The controversial scene from ?Family Guy? for which Global TV has been told to apologize. WARNING: Contains graphic cartoon violence.

?Graphic Cartoon Violence.? A problem for our times.

? Sean Kleefeld looks at that whole ?New? Shazam business

I?m a bit torn on the issue. On one hand, DC is essentially giving fans what they want. What they?re willing to pay for. There was a great deal interest, as I recall, when they turned Mary Marvel evil. You can?t really blame DC if they focus on the iterations of the characters that sell. On the other hand, I don?t think anyone at DC can really see any difference between Superman and Captain Marvel. To be fair, there is a bit of nuance there and it?s not helped by the fact that Captain Marvel was a very direct response to Superman?s initial success. I feel like that both DC and fans are responsible for this new Shazam.

201203060310 Kibbles n Bts   3/6/12: the Day Bugs Bunny Died A Horrible Death

Never before reprinted 27-year old comics by Larry O?Neil and Dean Haspiel

? Sequential Tart hosts a roundtable asking: Is Manga Dying?

bolivar Kibbles n Bts   3/6/12: the Day Bugs Bunny Died A Horrible Death

? It is optioning season again! The WB has picked up Bolivar, a dinosaur graphic novel by Sean Rubin which Archaia will publish in 2013. It is planned as an animated film. As yes, the PRE-PUB option is back! Akiva Goldsman, Kerry Foster, PJ Bickett and Stephen Christy are all on various branches of the producer tree.

Written and illustrated by Sean Rubin, the graphic novel centres on a young girl named Sybil who moves to New York and finds out her neighbor is Bolivar, the last living dinosaur. ?Despite Sybil?s persistent efforts, Bolivar refuses to befriend her. The dinosaur is somewhat of a recluse, tucked away from the world Sybil so desperately wants him to explore with her. ?He soon realizes how much she means to him and that he would risk everything for her.

? Likewise, Radical?s long vigil of publishing comics seems to have paid off, as Dwayne Johnson is now attached to Brett Ratner?s Herculas adaptation.

Scribe Ryan Condol adapted Steve Moore?s graphic novel Hercules: The Thracian War, which debuted in May 2008 via Radical Publishing. MGM?s Roger Birnbaum, Gary Barber and Jonathan Glickman will produce with Peter Berg and his Film 44 partner Sarah Aubrey, as well as Barry Levine of Radical Pictures, whose Jesse Berger will executive produce.

? Julie Taymor?s lawsuit over the Spider-Man Musical is getting nasty with tons and tons of dirt being uncovered in court papers

In her new court filing, Taymor also singles out Bono and Edge for particular criticism. She says they failed to attend rehearsals and she cites e-mails beseeching them to deliver improved lyrics and music. ?I have been at it on [Spider-Man] nonstop,? reads one of those e-mails. ?We need you. It is not easy to change anything, but now I think it is a matter of lyrical and musical changes ? Taymor says that Bono and the Edge were out on tour with U2 at the time, and that caused damage. According to Taymor?s court brief, ?The producers? effort to hold Taymor responsible for damages for failing to make improvements to the show as an author ignores the reality that the conduct of Bono and Edge ? the musical?s other primary creative team members ? severely hampered timely improvements to the musical.?

According to another filing, Bono arrived at a crucial meeting about attempting to salvage the production with several supermodels in tow and already a few beers to the wind. That is not how you show up to save the show, Bono!

201203060319 Kibbles n Bts   3/6/12: the Day Bugs Bunny Died A Horrible Death

? A new kid?s book about a cat with poop on its feet, by some of the folks behind the Unshelved webcomic.


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